Tag Archives: Christ Jesus

Experiencing resurrection step by step

Life is a journey that doesn’t end with death. This was one of the consensus views shared by some panelists while discussing choices in end-of-life care at the Mid-Michigan Health Spiritual Care Conference in January. One panelist even mentioned resurrection, which got me to thinking more deeply about the connection between resurrection and choices–not just

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Caregiver placebo effect

Placebos by Akacio S. ( /photographyk )

The placebo effect is usually considered to be the curative effective resulting from patients equipping a sugar pill with their belief in its ability to help. But it turns out that the placebo effect can result from the thought of the caregiver as well.

“Belief in or expectation of a good outcome can have formidable restorative power, whether the positive expectations are on the part of the patient, the doctor or caregiver, or both…” says Herbert Benson, M.D. writing (with Marg Stark) about what he calls “remembered wellness” in his book “Timeless Healing – The Power and Biology of Belief”.

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Christmas, Jesus, love, and healing

Christmas is a special time for me as a Christian Scientist, as it is for all Christians.  It is a time to celebrate Jesus and what his coming upon earth means for us all.  He is the Son of God.  God is his Father.  And God is our Father.  Jesus taught us to pray, “Our Father, which art in heaven…” Two very significant aspects of Jesus’ ministry stand out to me – love and healing.

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